November 6, 2011

One Unit Down, X more to go !(:

Posted in Uncategorized at 1:35 pm by pinkdomo

I can honestly say that I will miss these past two months.

As the unit started, I was rather upset. Why? We were told that we had to get used to speaking to the class.

Well, when I was in 4th grade, I threw up trying to present a project to my class. Not the best way to start out someone’s confidence in speaking to an open crowd.

So, I started out this unit, happiness shattered, and hopes crushed. I was scared and nervous the day of …….well, really anything.

The idea of a sorcratic seminar terrified me. A debate? Ohno, don’t even go there.

Now knowing my strong distaste for speaking to a large group, you’d be rather surprised to discover that, to the contary, I LOVED our debates. Yes, LOVED. I wasn’t just okay with them, but instead, I couldnt wait for our next one.

My favorite thing from this unit would probably be our Most Dangerous Game debate. I loved being the angry parent, being able to point out the flaws in the book.

I hope our next unit will be just as interesting(:

1 Comment »

  1. I’ve definitly had to get over some speaking in front of people fears this year too.

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